We love to see TRM fans add a personal touch to our knives. Send your favorite pictures to mh@threeriversmfg.com.
Justin Brantley makes those TEK-Wood scales pop!
Way of Knife - TRM Runs on Dunkin'
Chris Walsh shows off his Match Anderson custom scales!
Chad Kanatzas knows anodizing!
Polished Ruby Red Linen Micarta!
Slot in the blade by Tom
Tyler carved-rock Granite Gray G10 scales
Match kills it again on Nerd scales!
Yep, that's a full titanium Atom framelock by J V!
Polished Tidal Wave G-Carta
PO Box 98
4 Springfield Street
Three Rivers. MA 01080
Three Rivers Mfg., LLC fixed blades and folders are intended and sold for legitimate sporting purposes only. The purchase, use and ownership of knives are subject to many local laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the buyer to investigate and comply with all laws and regulations that apply in his region. The buyer is responsible for any claims resulting from a violation of any laws or regulations. Any use of our products for anything other than cutting is considered misuse and abuse. Three Rivers Mfg., LLC is not responsible for any injuries or damages caused by abuse and/or misuse.